all houses dream in blueprints our house dreams so hard outside you can see my shoeprints i've been dreaming in your yard
one of these days these days will end kitchen window, the light will bend you'll be carving a pumpkin with a knife when someone at the table says "that's not what i call a life!"
the elephants are so ashamed of their size hosing down i tell them "you got pretty eyes" out in the backyard i used to make like i was a cowboy i'd set my dog before a hoop and say "now boy, now boy!"
when the governer's heart fails the state bird falls from its branch icicles on hell's higher hills meanwhile back home at the ranch i still get up early in the morning and i never knew a better place
i believe the stars are the headlights of angels driving from heaven to save us, to save us won't you look at the sky? they're driving from heaven into our eyes and though final words are so hard to devise i promise that i'll always remember your pretty eyes